Performance Report

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has released the statewide Annual Performance Reports (APRs) for the 2021-22 school year. APRs demonstrate the progress local education agencies (LEAs) and their individual buildings are making toward meeting the Standards and Indicators in the sixth version of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP 6).

MSIP is the state’s system for reviewing and accrediting/classifying LEAs. It outlines expectations for school practices and student outcomes, with the goal of each student graduating ready for success in college, career, and life.

Key changes in MSIP 6 include:

· Differentiating the performance of public schools and LEAs along a continuum

·  Providing accessible and actionable information about schools and LEAs

·  Empowering local boards of education to improve and innovate by adding a Continuous Improvement component

·  Emphasizing the importance of academic performance by holding public schools equally accountable for status and growth

·  Focusing on the preparation and well-being of each student at all levels

“MSIP 6 is designed to distinguish the performance of schools and LEAs in meaningful ways to help identify areas in need of support and recognize models of excellence,” said Commissioner of Education Margie Vandeven. “For the release of this pilot year data, we encourage stakeholders, including community partners and families, to focus less on the APR score and more on the underlying data to learn how they may better support student learning.”


Link to Missouri APR Data  Select Crawford County R-I (028101) in the dropdown menu. 


CCR1 APR Report

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