
Mission Statement

Crawford County’s Technology Mission Statement reflects the importance of the use of technology to enhance effective instruction and to increase student learning and achievement as is identified in the District’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP). The impact of technology on student learning and achievement is linked to all the priorities in the District’s CSIP.

The district technology mission is based on our belief statement that technology is a tool for enhancing education, learning, student achievement, and our vision of preparing kids today for their tomorrow.

The technology mission of the Crawford County R-I School District is to develop collaboratively a plan for the implementation of technology in such a way that it will:

  • Facilitate effective and efficient support services related to achieving the Districts overall educational goals.
  • Facilitate and support the training of staff in the use of technology to enhance instruction and student learning and achievement.
  • Facilitate and support the achievement of specific learning goals and strategies such as: encourage problem solving, thinking skills, exploration, and learning in the classroom; promote student-centered learning; provide access to appropriate technology for all students and staff; restructure the learning environment; increase student achievement; support a comprehensive information system; encourage communication; develop lifelong learners, improve faculty and staff tech competence and productivity, and provide the opportunity for faculty and staff to model appropriate technology usage.
  • Facilitate and support the District’s curriculum and instructional goals, the District’ s Comprehensive Improvement Plan, the Missouri Show- Me Standards, and the standards and objectives in the Missouri Show-Me Technology Plan.
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